My First Chat GPT Experiment: What can we learn about relationships from AI
I decided to catch the wave and try my first Chat GPT experiment.
The background
I kicked off 2023 on a mission to write my first book. The subject I chose was relationships. It is based on a model I call GENUINE relationships. Genuine is an acronym summarizing the mindsets and characteristics of healthy relationships. My original article can be found here, or an infographic of the model is here. The acronym GENUINE stands for
My experiment was to ask Chat GPT to write a 300-word article using the question, what makes for healthy relationships? The exact ChatGPT result is here.
The results: What can we learn from AI about relationships?
The AI-generated article summarized healthy relationships as needing six elements. If the AI was creating an acronym, it would be BETRIC, and the elements include:
Boundaries. The ability to communicate them and have mutual respect for them.
Effort. To do the work necessary to grow together. Including ongoing maintenance and nurturing.
Trust. It is being reliable and respectful of boundaries. Which leads to the ability of those in the relationship to be vulnerable and authentic.
Respect. Valuing each other's differences and expressing empathy and kindness. Looking to understand others' perspectives.
Intimacy. Physical, emotional, and mental. Intimacy includes being vulnerable, open, and honest.
Communication. Key elements were listening, the ability to express your thoughts well, openness to feedback, respectful and non-judgmental.
My reaction to the results
I think it was pretty decent content and not just because it shares many of the elements of my model. It did lack an easily recallable acronym.
If someone I cared about came to me and asked if I thought these were elements of a healthy relationship, I would say yes, those are all things you should strive to do.
However, if the AI uses the information available across the internet, I did find it surprising that two concepts were not included.
“The surprise is the internet worth of information didn’t lead the AI to include generosity and integrity. This means the world doesn’t feel generosity and integrity are essential parts of healthy relationships. ”
It surprised me that generosity or the idea of giving to others wasn’t included. How can you possibly have a great relationship if both parties are focused solely on what they can get out of the relationship instead of what they can give to others?
And second, that integrity wasn’t mentioned. In order to have healthy relationships, you must have a baseline level of your own mental and emotional health. If what flows out of you is unhealthy, you shouldn’t expect to create anything healthy. You can’t produce healthy fruit from unhealthy soil.
The surprising thing is not that AI didn’t include them; AI simply aggregates and reports the information available to it.
The surprise is the internet worth of information didn’t lead the AI to include generosity and integrity. This means the world doesn’t feel generosity and integrity are essential parts of healthy relationships. This just might explain a lot about the current state of relationships in the developed world.