ARCH Impacts wants to help you achieve your best life and part of that requires you to have healthy relationships and not just the romantic kind. The quality of your relationships is the greatest key to happiness and long term health. Harvard research (summarized here) concluded that your relationships impact the quality of your life more than any other single factor and it wasn’t even close.
Yet if you are like most people how to have healthy relationships is an area of your life where you have the least training and fewest positive examples to learn from so you struggle. There is of a course a better way.
Learn the seven principles for great relationships
All successful people are on unique journeys towards their personal definition of success but all happy and successful people know that relationships are a huge part of their success. They also know that success feels better when you have people to share it with.
We have identified 7 Behaviors that will enable you to have more successful relationships at home, at work, and in your community regardless of how you define success.
Discover your relationship aptitude and how to improve the quality of your relationships
You can take the free GENUINE Relationships Quiz to find out how you show up across the 7 relationship behaviors. This will get you started on the journey to discover where you need to focus efforts to get better at your relationships.
More relationship resources
Relationships have many different phases and interactions. That means their is complexity in the simplicity of what it takes to have healthy relationships. These resources apply the GENUINE framework to a variety of relationship situations.