Blog Insights and actions for a better life

Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

Why work with ARCH Impact? Just look at the logo.


Arch is more than just an acronym for the framework I use that just happened to work out to create a word that I paid a talented designer to make into a logo. Here is what Arch means.

Why an Arch?

It is an acronym that fits perfectly into the framework that Arch Impact uses when working with leaders, teams and businesses (Authenticity, Results, Community, Habits) but it is so much more than that.

In architecture arches are included in structures out of necessity. They are efficient to build but are also strong enough that they can carry an enormous amount of weight. When structures fall they typically fall around the arch which stands tall in the destruction around it.

But like you, your team and your business its more than just the obvious response

  • In design arches are purposefully used to point the eye upwards towards a higher ideal or visual element.

  • In ancient mythology Zeus and Jupiter two of the strongest god’s were associated with arches.

  • In Tarot the arch to speaks to openings and beginnings. A decision point often brought about by an epiphany that forces a person to make a decision.

  • In Christianity arches are seen as a Johannine symbol representing Jesus as the doorway to a better way.

  • In many cultures’ arches are used in initiations. A person walks through the arch to represent putting down the old and putting on the new.

  • Want to know more. Check this article out.

Why two colors?

Call it ying and yang or dark and light. Today vs. tomorrow. It represents the contrast between where you are at and where you want to be as a leader, team or business.

Plus one color is boring. It is limiting in its reach and effect. Two colors creates a lot more opportunity for design.

Why those Colors?

Green is the color of growth and health. It is associated with renewal and life. Other words are safety, stability, harmony and reliability. And yes, it is the color of money which always speaks in a business setting.

Blue is the color of trust. It represents serenity and peace. It instills confidence and feelings of loyalty, integrity and responsibility.

Why two arches?

The largest arch stands for everything above and then the second arch is an arch but also a path to represent the journey you, your team and your business is on.

The path moves in an upward trajectory signifying growth and then fades off into the distance to signify that it doesn’t just stop it goes on beyond what you can see or imagine. It goes on Ad Infinitum.

Why so much two?

Because at Arch Impacts we believe your life is done better in relationship with others and a relationship requires two.

It stands for today and tomorrow. Today I am this tomorrow I want to be that.

Why the Name Arch Impacts instead of Arch Leadership or Arch Consulting?

“At the end of the day I started this business as a way to leave a lasting positive impact on the world, one leader at a time, one team at a time and one business at a time. The services offered by Arch Impacts are intended to be the means to that and not the end.” – Jonathan Couser Founder

For our clients I want to help people who want the same. As an individual you don’t seek out coaching or consulting because you want coaching or consulting, you want a lasting change. As a leader of a team you don’t set out to change a team dynamic because you want to change the dynamic, you do it because you want the team to function better. And as a business you don’t seek out consulting services to check the validated our idea with a third party box, you seek them out because you need a catalyst or spark or perspective that will help your business grow or grow again or grow faster. At the end of the engagement you want the partner you invested in to have left an impact on you and your team and your business. Hopefully that impact lives on for multiple generations because that is what real impact looks like.

Closing thought
If that much thought went into the logo; imagine what Arch Impacts will do for you, your team and your business.