Blog Insights and actions for a better life

Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

What I learned from THE GAME

We should all live like we believe that neither success nor failure are permanent. That both are more enjoyable when experienced with others. And if you want to succeed more often, determine your strengths and work at them until you can execute the fundamentals of them flawlessly. #teambuilding #winning #teams #strategy

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jonathan couser
Data Driven Decisions are Better

At work, in the absence of data, we will fall into the trap of letting an individual voice drive decisions. The voice is often accompanied by a bigger title or perceived expertise or a louder approach that enables them to “be heard” and get their way to win the decision. Why does this happen? Because without data preference and opinion determine what actions are taken (or not taken).

Data helps eliminate this approach leading to better outcomes. #discovery #data #decisions #datadriven

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What I learned from testing the LinkedIn algorithm

I researched the LinkedIn algorithm and learned it doesn’t like links that take you off LinkedIn. It makes sense they prefer you death scroll LinkedIn and not use LinkedIn as a gateway to the internet.

So I tried to work the algorithm to my advantage. I posted part of an article in the feed, included a picture (another way to boost on LinkedIn), and added a “link in comments” closing line. I even included a question to try and drive engagement.

Learned something about properly defining success.

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jonathan couser
Re-evaluating Leadership Axioms: Need to Know Info

One of the things that I believe has helped me as a leader is Leading with a growth mindset—embracing that the world of work has changed and will continue to evolve. I am consistently looking to learn and share what I learn.

So when I say need to know information, I flip this well know axiom by encouraging that all information is need to know, and everyone needs to know all the information. Leaders should model this by going first and encouraging everyone to follow their lead. #effectivecommunication #leadershipbestpractices #communication #bestpractices

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