We need to find people who can point out our blind spots in an effective way. Here is what to look for.
Read MoreIn a perfect world, you wouldn’t need to run any kind of experiments. It would be a world without regret. You would already know everything necessary to have an amazing lasting relationship. But the world isn’t perfect. Intentional experiments are how you learn to thrive in romantic relationships while enjoying the journey. #relationships #datingexperiments #healthyrelationships
Read MoreYou don’t need to solve every problem you encounter, which is good because you literally can’t. Your resources have limits, so you must learn how to manage them wisely, and sometimes that means ignoring the windchime. The decision to live with the occasional noise it creates is more responsible than devoting resources to quieting something when there are minimal returns on creating the silence.
Read MoreWisdom is deciding not to make a decision based on whether or not to pursue something new based solely on the initial cost. Everything worth doing requires an initial investment. Some of those costs might even cause you to reconsider if it is worth it.
Here is a process to help you determine if it is worth.
Read MoreFear and excitement are really close emotionally and during times of change there are a few things you can do to take control of how you emotionally react to change. Choosing excitement over fear and increasing the chances for finding joy during times of change.
Read MoreWe all choose to mute things. How might choosing to mute the outside world be harming your relationships and why you should care about it. #healthyrelationships #parenting #communication #effectiveliving
Read MoreWe all get frustrated. We don’t all get past it well. Getting to I am frustrated because helps move past the frustration more quickly. Here are five sources of frustration and what you can do to get beyond them.
Read MoreThe goal of sharing truth or engaging in conflict with someone in your personal community should be to improve the relationship and encourage the other person to consider if a change is best for them and your relationship.
This type of honest dialogue, when done appropriately, creates deep connection. Deep connection creates long term mutually beneficial relationships capable of withstanding difficulty.
Follow this model to help you improve the quality of your interactions over subjects that might cause conflict.
Read MoreSetting healthy boundaries leads to better outcomes. Boundaries are required for you to be sustainably generous and a great leader. Great news is you control your ability to create boundaries. #boundaries #mentoring #leading #successful #generosity
Read MoreEffective relationship principles are good in all kinds of relationships. Marriage principles can apply at work. And sometimes work principles help in marriages. #communication #relationships #teamwork
Read MoreWe spend touch effort and time worry about making mistakes and not enough effort becoming consistent in our actions. Becoming consistent is better than worrying.
Read MoreIncrease your ability to connect with others by growing your capabilities around demonstrating empathy. #leadership #communication #empathy #relationships #successfulteams
Read MoreChoosing empathy when interacting with others leads to better outcomes. #relationships, #leadership, #communication, #empathy
Read MoreWhat does AI have to share about how it would interpret the elements of healthy relationships.
Read MoreI am willing to say I have never followed a nudge that resulted in a truly negative outcome. Any chance to make a positive impact in the life of another is worth the effort, even if you are acting based on a subconscious nudge. #faith #habits #christianpractices #spirit #spiritled
Read MoreHere are 10 things I say to my kids that anyone can apply to their life to achieve more success and better outcomes.
Read MoreBeing a winner instead of a not loser; isn't just a play on words. There is a high difference between living your life to win and living your life trying not to lose. Four things are highlighted here. #lifehacks #success #habits #winningatlife
Read MoreThere are a few important principles for living your best life that you can learn from making chili. Check them out here and get a recipe for an award winning chili. #lifelessons #leadershipprinciples #bestlife #lessonslearned #cooking
Read MoreThe world is more interconnected than you know. The people you know, know people. And they just might figure out they both know you. And when they do. They will talk. For example when you are applying for a job, there is a good chance research will be done about you and not just work stuff. Trust me I get those calls about people I know often.
Please do everything you can to give them good things to talk about.
You can accomplish that by treating all people well. Do this first because it is the right thing to do but secondly because it is wise to leave a good impression. You never know who that person knows and in what future context you might cross paths with someone who knows you or knows about you. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that whatever they know is probably pretty good?
Here is an approach to building more GENUINE relationships. You can do these things to leave people feeling good about interacting with you.
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