Blog Insights and actions for a better life

Insights through words aimed at helping you make an impact.

Insights through words aimed at making an impact.

Dating as a series of healthy experiments not as wins and loses

In a perfect world, you wouldn’t need to run any kind of experiments. It would be a world without regret. You would already know everything necessary to have an amazing lasting relationship. But the world isn’t perfect. Intentional experiments are how you learn to thrive in romantic relationships while enjoying the journey. #relationships #datingexperiments #healthyrelationships

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What to do with noisy windchimes

You don’t need to solve every problem you encounter, which is good because you literally can’t. Your resources have limits, so you must learn how to manage them wisely, and sometimes that means ignoring the windchime. The decision to live with the occasional noise it creates is more responsible than devoting resources to quieting something when there are minimal returns on creating the silence.

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Addressing difficult subjects in your relationships

The goal of sharing truth or engaging in conflict with someone in your personal community should be to improve the relationship and encourage the other person to consider if a change is best for them and your relationship.

This type of honest dialogue, when done appropriately, creates deep connection. Deep connection creates long term mutually beneficial relationships capable of withstanding difficulty.

Follow this model to help you improve the quality of your interactions over subjects that might cause conflict.

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Jonathan, I know him too, how did he treat you?

The world is more interconnected than you know. The people you know, know people. And they just might figure out they both know you. And when they do. They will talk. For example when you are applying for a job, there is a good chance research will be done about you and not just work stuff. Trust me I get those calls about people I know often.

Please do everything you can to give them good things to talk about.

You can accomplish that by treating all people well. Do this first because it is the right thing to do but secondly because it is wise to leave a good impression. You never know who that person knows and in what future context you might cross paths with someone who knows you or knows about you. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that whatever they know is probably pretty good?

Here is an approach to building more GENUINE relationships. You can do these things to leave people feeling good about interacting with you.

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